Adding Clients
Roles That Can Add Clients: Agent, Manager, Admin, Owner
To submit requests, order your services, chat with your team, or perform any actions in your client portal, your clients need to create an account on Zendo. But if you want to make their transition to a new platform easier, you can create their accounts yourself, only leaving the account verification process up to them.
Table Of Contents
Adding Clients
Account Verification
Inviting Clients
Inviting By Email
Inviting By Link
Adding Clients
To add clients:
Go to the Clients tab on the left-hand side panel,
Select the "Add client" button in the top right corner,

Fill out the required fields, i.e. client's first & last name, as well as their email address,

Next, fill out any additional details about the client you're adding, like their phone number or company name. You can also add an avatar image to their profile,

Finish by selecting the "Add client" button on the bottom of the client adding popup window.
Account Verification
After selecting the final "Add client" button, the client we've added to Zendo will receive a verification email to complete the sign up process.
All they have to do is select the "Verify account" button in the email and finish the account creation process by setting their own password.

You can customize the sign up and login page visible to your clients and team members by adding or removing any images, centering the page, or adding your logo. Learn more about customizing your workspace, here.
Inviting Clients
You can also invite your clients to join your client portal, either by sending an invitation email or sending an invitation link.
Inviting By Email
To invite by email:
Go to the Clients tab on the left-hand side panel and select the drop-down arrow next to the "Add client" button in the top right corner,

Choose the "Send invite" option and paste in the email address of the client you want to invite to your client portal,

You can paste in multiple email addresses to invite more clients at once.
Lastly, select the "Send invites" button.
Account Verification And Sign Up
The client will then receive the invitation email, in which they can accept the invitation by selecting the "Accept invitation" button.
Selecting the "Accept invitation" button triggers the sign up process to being, asking the client to fill out the first & last name fields. Then, the client has to set their password, accept the Terms of Service, and choose the "Sign up" button.

An account verification email will then reach their inbox, in which they can verify their account by selecting the "Verify your email" button.
The "Verify your email" button forwards your client to a verification page. Once the verification is completed, your client will have access to your client portal, and will land on their Dashboard or the first page you've set when customizing the client portal sidebar.
Inviting By Link
Go to the Clients tab on the left-hand side panel and select the drop-down arrow next to the "Add client" button in the top right corner,

Choose the "Copy invitation link" option, and share the invitation link with your clients,
Opening the invitation link forwards your clients straight to your sign up page, which they can use to create their account in your client portal and then verify their account, as explained earlier.
Updated on: 12/09/2024
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