Client Portal Sidebar
Roles That Can Manage Client Portal Sidebar: Owner, Admin
Table Of Contents
What Is A Sidebar In Zendo?
Internal And Client Sidebars
Sidebars For Specific Clients Or Organizations
Live Preview
Customizing The Sidebar
Sidebar Elements
Adding New Elements
Adding An App
Adding A Link
Adding A Section Heading
Adding A Divider & Gap
Save As Draft
Restore To Default
What Is A Sidebar In Zendo?
A sidebar is the left-hand side panel you see in Zendo.
You can customize it by embedding external applications, changing its colors, removing & adding Zendo-native apps, renaming all the elements, changing their order, and more.
To customize the sidebar, select Client portal from the left-hand panel and choose Sidebar from the drop-down menu.
Sidebar customization is available only in the paid plans.

Internal And Client Sidebars
You can create different sidebars for internal users and clients.
To make the switch:
navigate to the top of the Sidebar page and find "Sidebar",
from the drop-down menu, choose "Internal" or "Client".

Every time you come back to make changes in the Sidebar, make sure that you're on the right sidebar type.
Sidebars For Specific Clients Or Organizations
You can also make client or organization-specific sidebars, for example, to share individual reports, files, project results, or anything else you can embed directly into the sidebar.

To do that:
choose "Client" from the drop-down menu next to the "Sidebar" heading,
select "Create new sidebar",

in the popup window, choose the specific client or client organization you want to build your new sidebar for,
select the "Create" button,
customize the sidebar for that specific person or organization.
Live Preview
On the right side of the page, you can see the preview of the sidebar.
Every change you make will be shown there to give you full control of the process.

Customizing The Sidebar
Make sidebar reflect your brand colors with four different options:
highlight text,

Sidebar Elements
By default, you'll have a list of elements already set in place. You can:
change element's name: click anywhere on the default name to enter your own.
change element's order: use drag-and-drop to move the element.
change element's icon: select the square right next to the name of the element and choose the icon from the pop-up window. To find your icon faster, use the search bar. If you don't want to have any icons, select "Clear icon" next to the search bar.

remove element: hover over the sidebar element until a trash icon appears on the right. Select it to remove the sidebar element.
Adding New Elements
To add a new sidebar element:
select "+ Add sidebar element" at the bottom of the page,
choose the type of element you want to add from the drop-down menu.
You can choose between an app, link, section heading, divider, and a gap.

Adding An App
If you chose an app, a new pop-up window will appear with external and custom apps to choose from. Select one,
new fields will appear. In Slug, enter the unique URL for this page. In Content, paste the embed code found in the app of your choice,
select the "Preview content" button to check if it works correctly.

To learn more about external apps, read this article.
Adding A Link
If you chose a link, a new field will appear, where you can type in a link. You can also click on the default name to enter your own.

Adding A Section Heading
If you chose a section heading, a new field will appear, where you can type in the name of the section heading.

Adding A Divider & Gap
If you chose a divider or a gap, it will appear on the sidebar.
You can use drag & drop to move it around.

You can duplicate any content you create. Hover over the sidebar element until a duplicate icon appears on the right. Select it to duplicate the sidebar element.
Save As Draft
If you're unsure of your choices or don't want to change the sidebar just yet, you can save it as draft and come back to it later.
If you don't like the newest changes, select the ellipsis icon (...) and choose "Discard changes" from the drop-down menu.
You can only make one sidebar draft per workspace.
Restore To Default
If you want to go back to the default sidebar, select the ellipsis icon (...) and choose "Restore to default" from the drop-down menu.
If you're ready, select the "Publish" buttom at the top right corner to save the sidebar.
If you're not on the paid plan, you can easily test out sidebar customization using the Sandbox mode.
Updated on: 19/03/2024
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