Articles on: Customization

White Label

Role That Can Use The White Label Features: Owner

Table Of Contents

White Label Options Between Different Zendo Subscriptions
How To White Label My Workspace?
General Tab
Sign Up & Login Tab
Emails Tab

White Label Options Between Different Zendo Subscriptions

In all subscription plans, you can:

add your own logo & favicon,
customize the email footer,
customize the login and signup pages,
personalize the accent color, choosing from 11 color options,
connect your own Help Center link,
connect your own Terms of Service link.

In the Pro & Max plans, you additionally can:

remove the “Powered by Zendo” badge,
connect a custom domain,
connect a custom email domain,
customize the chatbot,
add a custom accent color.

How To White Label My Zendo Workspace?

To white label your Zendo workspace:

select Client portal* from the left-hand side panel,
choose White Label* from the drop-down menu,
then, go through the white label settings in 3 tabs: General*, Sign up & login, and Email.

General Tab

In the General tab, you can:

personalize the accent color,

select the color that will show up on the client-facing links and buttons. You can choose from 11 available colors, which are charcoal, iris, steelblue, teal, forest, amethyst, plum, mulberry, rust, pumpkin, and gold. To choose one, select it and save your changes using the "Save changes" button on the bottom of the page. [free]

or you can set a completely custom color by selecting the "Add custom color" option, choosing the exact color you want to use, and selecting the "Save changes" button to complete the process. [premium]

upload your own logo to brand your workspace, [free]

desktop: select or drop JPG, PNG, BMP, GIF or WEBP. Recommended size: 720px x 1350px,
favicon: select or drop JPG, PNG, BMP, GIF or WEBP. Upload an image with 1:1 ratio.

connect a custom domain, [premium]

To learn more about connecting a custom domain, read this article.

customize the chatbot, [premium]

You can give your chatbot a name and upload an avatar to reflect your brand or create a more pleasant experience for your clients.

Choose a name for your chatbot and select or drop JPG, PNG, BMP, GIF or WEBP file for the avatar image.
Recommended size is 256px by 256px, with a maximum of 1MB.

customize the help center and ToS links, [free]

custom Help Center: switch the toggle and paste your Help Center's URL,
custom ToS: on the sign up page, your clients can find Zendo's Terms of Service. You can substitute it with a link to your own Terms of Service instead, so that your clients can read and understand the terms and conditions of working with you. To do that, switch the toggle and paste your Terms of Service's URL.

Learn more about customizing the Help Center link here.

remove the "Powered by Zendo" badge, [premium]

All the emails sent to your clients are signed with the “powered by Zendo” label. You can also find it on the Service Catalog or the sign up and login pages. To remove it, switch the toggle next to the "Remove "Powered by Zendo" badge" heading.

Sign Up & Login Tab

Switch the tab to Sign up & login to:

upload an image to customize your sign up and login page, [free]

On both sign up and login pages, there's a vertical image on the left side of the screen. If you'd rather have your own image that's aligned with your branding, you can upload your own image. Select "Upload image" and select or drop JPG, PNG, BMP, GIF or WEBP. Recommended size: 720px x 1350px.

Note that if you enable this option but don't upload an image, the page will have a centered layout.

hide the social login option. [free]

Decide whether your clients and team members can log into or sign up to your workspace using their Google or Facebook accounts.

Switch the toggle next to the "Hide social login on sign up and login pages" heading and save your changes.

Emails Tab

Switch the tab to Emails to:

connect a custom email domain, [premium]

The Custom Email Domain feature allows you to connect your own SMTP server and send emails from an address within your custom domain. In result, all your emails will have your branded name instead of Zendo's.

To learn how to set it up, read this article.

Note that in order to set up a custom email domain, you have to have a custom domain connected with your Zendo workspace first.

set a custom footer for any outgoing emails. [free]

You can enter and format your text by using bold and italics, including links, creating bullet and ordered lists, as well as blockquotes.

The footer content is restricted to 255 characters.

Updated on: 21/01/2025

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