Service Catalog
Roles That Can Manage Service Catalog: Admin, Owner
Service Catalog is a page where you can list your Services for your clients to submit their orders.
It can be:
publicly available under, which you can share with clients by sending them your Service Catalog's link or linking to it directly from your website for self-serving.
available only to logged-in clients under the Order tab (unless otherwise customized in the Sidebar settings).
You can change the workspace access settings in the General settings of your workspace.
Table Of Contents
Customizing The Service Catalog
Header Customization Options
Services In Catalog
Editing Services For The Service Catalog
Example Service Catalog
Additional Options
Customizing The Service Catalog

To access your Service Catalog's settings, select "Services" from the left-side panel and choose "Service Catalog" from the drop-down menu.

Starting from the top of the page, you have two options:
Select the “Preview” button in the top right corner of the page to see how your Service Catalog currently looks like.
Select the "Copy" button under "Service Catalog link" to copy the link to your Service Catalog. You can then share it with your clients or link to it on your website.
Header Customization Options
Scroll down and you'll find 4 header customization options for your Service Catalog:

Title: enter the title for your Service Catalog. You can choose a generic message, for example: “Hello there” or “Welcome”, or mention your brand name to give not-logged-in clients more context.
Description: enter the subheading message that goes right under the Title. You can use it to introduce yourself or explain the next steps, for example “Choose the service you're interested in and fill out the form. Our team will get back to you within the next 24 hours!”. The limit is 255 characters.
Empty Service Catalog message: enter the message that will show up when no services are listed, for example: “Currently, our services are unavailable due to unexpected holidays in Hawaii.” The limit is 100 characters.
Header background image: upload a header image that will be displayed next to your Service Catalog's title and description. The allowed formats are JPG, PNG, BMP, GIF, and WEBP. The maximum size is 2000x2000px, and the minimum size is 1200x300px.

If you don't add a header background image, your Service Catalog will have a centered layout instead.
Services In Catalog
Scroll down to the next section — Services In Catalog.
There, you can see all your services, divided to those added and those that haven't been added to the Service Catalog.

You can do 4 actions here:
use the toggle button to either turn on or off the visibility of each service on your Service Catalog. Once you turn it off, the service will be listed under the "Available services" subheading,
rearrange added services by dragging & dropping them to show up in the desired order on the Service Catalog,
copy the individual service's link to send it directly to clients or link to it on your website,
select the pencil icon to edit the selected service.
Editing Services For The Service Catalog
Each Service can be edited specifically in the way it shows up on the Service Catalog.
Choose to edit an individual Service, either by selecting the pencil icon next to the Service you want to edit in the "Services in Catalog" section in the Service Catalog settings or directly from Services → Overview.

Then, go to the Order Page tab and:
add a Service Thumbnail: select or drop JPG, PNG or GIF, up to 2560×2560px and 1MB in size.
add a short description of a maximum 500 characters.
Services listed as available in the Service Catalog without added thumbnails & descriptions may look empty.

Example Service Catalog
The end result is a professional-looking page with your services listed in blocks.
You can find an example Service Catalog here.
Additional Options
Apart from the main page of your Service Catalog that lists all of the services you enable to be listed, each service has its own stand-alone page that contains the Order Form, service image, description, and more.
Learn more about:
productized services,
custom services,
subscription services,
free services.
Updated on: 12/09/2024
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