Order Forms
Roles That Can Use Forms: Admin, Owner
Forms allow you to collect essential details from your clients.
You can add Order Forms to support the process of purchasing any of your services and Request Submission Forms for submitting subscription-based requests.
To learn more on productized services, go here.
To learn more on subscriptions, go here.
To learn more on custom services, go here.
To learn more on free services, go here.
Table Of Contents
How To Create An Order Form?
How To Create A Request Submission Form?
Where Clients Fill Out Order Forms?
Where Clients Fill Out Request Submission Forms?
How To Create An Order Form?
To create an Order Form:
select Services from the left-hand side panel and choose Overview from the drop-down menu,

select the specific Service you want to add an Order Form to or create a new Service by selecting the "Create service" button in the top right corner,
switch the tab from General to Order page, and scroll down to find the Order Form section,

You can always go back and edit your Order Form.
switch the toggle next to the "Add an Order Form to this service" heading, and start working on your form fields,

There are ten types of Form fields that you can choose from:
Title: you can ask your client to name their request,
Heading: you can include a heading to better divide the sections of the Order Form, if there are many,
Paragraph: you can include a longer piece of text to add more information about the Order Form itself or about the Service,
Short message: you can use it for simple open-ended questions for your clients,
Long message: you can use it for open-ended questions that require longer answers from your clients,
Divider: you can use it to better divide the Order Form into sections or group the fields better,
URL/Link: you can ask your clients to paste a link to external sites or resources,
Single select: you can ask your clients to choose one option out of several,
Multi select: you can ask your clients to choose many options out of several,
File upload: you can ask your clients to upload any necessary files.

move the form fields in the desired order by dragging & dropping them, edit the fields by renaming them, adding multiple selection options, adding help text, or marking the fields as required,

select the "Save changes" button at the bottom of the page to save your order form.
To preview your form, go to your Service Catalog and click on the "Preview" button or go directly to the stand-alone checkout page of the service for which you've added your Order Form.
How To Create A Request Submission Form?
To create a Request Submission Form:
select Services from the left-hand side panel and choose Overview from the drop-down menu,

select the specific subscription service you want to add a Request Submission Form to or create a new subscription service by selecting the "Create service" button in the top right corner and choosing "Subscription" as your Service type,

switch the tab from General to Subscription requests, and scroll down to find the Request Submission Form section,
You can always go back and edit your Request Submission Form.
start working on your form fields,

There are ten types of Form fields that you can choose from:
Title: you can ask your client to name their request,
Heading: you can include a heading to better divide the sections of the Order Form, if there are many,
Paragraph: you can include a longer piece of text to add more information about the Order Form itself or about the Service,
Short message: you can use it for simple open-ended questions for your clients,
Long message: you can use it for open-ended questions that require longer answers from your clients,
Divider: you can use it to better divide the Order Form into sections or group the fields better,
URL/Link: you can ask your clients to paste a link to external sites or resources,
Single select: you can ask your clients to choose one option out of several,
Multi select: you can ask your clients to choose many options out of several,
File upload: you can ask your clients to upload any necessary files.
move the form fields in the desired order by dragging & dropping them, edit the fields by renaming them, adding multiple selection options, adding help text, or marking the fields as required,
select the "Save changes" button to save your request submission form.
You can also limit the number of requests your clients can make within each of your subscription services for a given period. To learn more about subscriptions, read this article.
Where Clients Fill Out Order Forms?
Order Forms can be added to any service type you create in Zendo (productize, subscription, custom, and free), therefore, filling out the added Order Form happens on the checkout page of a selected Service.

You can reach your service's checkout page either through the Service Catalog if enabled there, or copying the stand-alone service URL.
To copy a stand-alone service URL:
select Services from the left-hand side panel and choose Overview from the drop-down menu,
select the specific service you want to copy the stand-alone URL of,
switch the tab to "Order page",

select the "Copy" button under the "Stand-alone service url" section at the top of the page.
You can edit the stand-alone URL under the "Stand-alone service url" section at the top of the page.
You can also copy the stand-alone URL directly from the Overview tab, selecting the "Copy service link" button next to the selected service.
Where Clients Fill Out Request Submission Forms?
Clients fill out Request Submission Forms by selecting any of the "Submit request" buttons in their client portals.
The buttons are located:
in the client's dashboard, in the top right corner and under the "Recent subscriptions" heading,

The button on the top of the dashboard requires selecting a specific service, while the button under the specific subscription in "Recent subscriptions" opens the connected Request Submission Form immediately after selecting it.
in the Requests tab, in the top right corner.

After selecting any of the "Submit request" buttons, a popup window appears prompting clients to choose the Subscription service they want to submit their request within.
Then, clients fill out the form and select the final "Submit request" button in the popup window.

"Submit request" buttons in your client's dashboard and Requests tab also allow them to fill out Order Forms for any free service you've created.
Clients can also fill out Request Submission Forms connected with selected subscription services directly from the Subscriptions tab. Selecting the "Create request" option under the "Actions" column in the Subscriptions table.
Updated on: 21/01/2025
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