Client Organizations
Role That Can Manage Organizations: Client
Organizations are groups made by clients to work together on the same requests, share subscriptions, files, and more. Only one organization per user can be created and it can't be deleted.
Note that this feature is only available on the paid plans; if you downgrade to the free one, this functionality will be lost to your clients. Learn more about subscription plans here.
Organizations are only available to your clients.
Table Of Contents
How To Create An Organization?
How To Switch Between Organizations?
How To Invite Organization Members?
How To Remove Organization Members?
How To Join An Organization?
How Can I See Which Organizations I Belong To?
What Can I Access In An Organization?
Who Can See Which Organizations I Belong To?
How To Leave An Organization?
How Can I See The Organizations Of My Clients?
Organization Owner — Client
How To Create An Organization?
Select Organizations from the bottom of the left side-panel,

On the new page, select the "Create organization" button,

A popup window will appear, informing you of the fact that all your files, requests, and information will be moved to the new organization, accessible to all its members. To confirm, select the "Create Organization" button,

On the new page, you can do the following actions:
enter a name,
upload a logo,
invite team members,
enter billing details.

By default, the billing details of your organization will be the same as for your personal account. Similarly, the name of the organization will be "[Your name] Team". You can change it if you want.
Navigate to the name of your account at the bottom left corner of the page,
Hover over your name until a drop-down menu shows up,
Select the "Create organization" tab with the plus icon.

If you already own an organization, you won't see this option.
How To Switch Between Organizations?
If you belong to more than one organization:
navigate to the name of your account at the bottom left corner of the page,
hover over your name until a drop-down menu shows up,
select the organization you want to switch to.

How To Invite Organization Members?
In Organizations
Select the Organizations tab from the bottom corner of the left side-panel,
On the new page, find the Members section,

Select the "Invite team members" button,
In the popup window, enter the email addresses of the already existing users you want to invite to your organization. Select the "Send invite" button to complete the process,

The invited user will have a new notification in their dashboard, allowing them to accept or reject the invitation. They'll also receive an email message.

In Requests
In a request, select the "Invite Team Member button" on the right side-panel,

In the popup window, enter the email addresses of the already existing users you want to invite to your organization. Select the "Send invite" button to complete the process.

You can only invite people that already have an account on the platform.
How To Remove Organization Members?
Select Organizations from the bottom corner of the left side-panel,
On the new page, find the Members section,
Select the "Remove" button to remove a user from your organization,
Confirm your choice in the popup window.

The user will be notified about the removal via email.
Organization Member
How To Join An Organization?
The only way to join an organization is through an invitation link sent by the organization's owner.
You also need an active Zendo account, which can be created by you in the Service Catalog while submitting requests or ordering services, through an invitation sent by the workspace's owner (the vendor), or through the vendor's sign up page.
How Can I See Which Organizations I Belong To?
You can belong to many organizations at the same time.
Navigate to the name of your account at the bottom left of the page,
Hover over it until a drop-down menu shows up,
There, you'll see the names and the logos of all the organizations you belong to.
The organization you're the owner of will have a crown icon next to it.
What Can I Access In An Organization?
Every member of an organization will see all the data shared between the users, including requests, files, invoices, quotes, and more. But only the organization's owner can make changes to the organization, such as:
Changing its name,
Inviting organization members,
Removing organization members,
Changing billing details.
Who Can See Which Organizations I Belong To?
All the members of the organization will see you in the organization itself, but they won't see other organizations you belong to.
Only the vendor can see all the organizations of all their clients.
How To Leave An Organization?
If you leave an organization, you will lose access to all its data.
Select your username in the bottom left corner,
From the drop-down menu, select the organization you want to leave,
On the new page, scroll down to the bottom of the page,
Select the "Leave this organization" button,

In the pop-up window, select the "Leave Organization" button.

The owner of the organization will be notified that you left their organization by email.
If you're the owner of the organization, you won't see this option.
How Can I See The Organizations Of My Clients?
You can see which organizations your clients belong to:
In the Client Profile, on the right side-panel under Organizations,

On the page of the specific Organization, which can be accessed through the Client Profile,

On the Clients page.

Updated on: 12/09/2024
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