Articles on: Integrations


The Role That Can Connect Rewardful: Owner

Rewardful is an affiliate tracking and management platform. You can connect it with Zendo to create your own affiliate and referral programs, as long as you're connected to Stripe at the same time.

You need your own Rewardful subscription to connect it with Zendo.

Table Of Contents

How To Connect Rewardful?
How Does It Work?

How To Connect Rewardful?

If you use the Adblock plugin, turn it off to finish the setup.

Select the Workspace tab on the left-hand side panel,
From the drop-down menu, choose the General tab,
On the new page, switch to the Integrations tab,
Toggle the "Connect to Rewardful" switch button,
A new field will appear, where you can enter the Rewardful API Key,
Select the "Connect" button,

The Rewardful API Key can be found in the company settings of your Rewardful account.

Go back to Rewardful,
It will ask you to choose an "integration partner". From the list, choose: JavaScript (Browser),

In the next step, Rewardful will show you a guide: "Add Rewardful to your website",
Select "Ok, I've completed this", as all these steps were done automatically in your Zendo workspace,

On the next page, copy the affiliate link. Open the link in the new incognito card to confirm that Rewardful works properly. Note that for this step, you need to be logged out from your Zendo workspace.

How Does It Work

Rewardful works with any type of services. It does not matter if you sell Custom, Productized, or Subscription services. But it will only work with Stripe. It won't work with services where Manual Payment was used.

The integration is very simple; when your affiliates bring you traffic using their referral links, and a customer purchases a service from you, Zendo will notify the Rewardful system, where it will be attributed accordingly to the right affiliate and the commission will be calculated.

Updated on: 23/07/2024

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